Friday, April 8, 2016


In the book I can remember the catalpas
the long legged woman from Tennessee, verso
page among the last 50, Eastern sky
aglow at evening and there she was
twisty catalpa holding its bean pods black knives
like someone walking almost silently
in the woods. I can remember it there–
soft tread on the dank leaves of mind–
suchness and the place it proposes.
Words birds news intrudes shapely with Time.
Bemused angels with no one’s time but their own.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Blue flowers in the snow under Linden House
blue-jay smacks against the window
let’s get to the bottom of this it says
evolving divergences proposition place;
what you see is the news, go ahead,
plant peppermint in the ash-heap,
that’s how we tell god what to think. See,
If you touch my hand you will be touched
in turn touched back, by the world, too.
Fly into the window. The gates from within.

Monday, April 4, 2016

homophonic trans. of Acts I:7/8 #upcomingeventsinApril

7. I pray you pose autos. Hoof human is to know my recrudity, circus whose old pater ethico in his idea exhaust ya. 
8. However, leaps his the Duna in April throne towards your house your Pneumatose isthmus, I is is the moiety map to place in the Jerusalem and in passing his Judaea and Samaria and unto escape atolls this gaze.