winds are lit within the sun
and wind through the sheen of things
which sheen discloses light alone
and the winding salt of sight’s corridors
spiral deep to the still lake
That I may climb and find relief
where sight lives, and speaks things
the raw trees of speech
articulate branches
of the Law,
That I may climb and find relief
no more hand to get between
Christ was compared and united with the stone
two naked suns
two winds disappearing
I want to hear my voice
the anthropos
not reincarnated but whose measure is my own
to dissolve my body in its senses,
two winds dissolve in resolution
αποκαταστασιν πολuκρονιον
Christ was compared and united with the stone
long lasting restitution of things
find the measure anew
where the body’s temple remembers
rotund Falconetti,
herds of antelope a friend’s hand
our true form
the line remembered
the speaks my own
vindictive Yahweh
into the God of Love of the New
The Christ-lapis projected into matter
matter with its magical fascination
threnody for the lost god
that is the god’s calling
from the disappearance of distinction.
Ishtar’s lament for Tammuz
‘for the far removed there is wailing’
she is dissolved with him in the bath
she is the bath itself
the fiery sea the king cannot endure,
she is the fiery image
of myself dissolved in her
united with the stone
the lapis full of voices,
dust from the four corners of the earth
when the earth refused to provide for Adam
black white and red earth from the angel of death
Adam, because of his perfection
must have had a knowledge of all natural things
in Arabian tradition Shîth (Seth) learnt medicine from him
as he lay, still inanimate, in the ground
(as we watched, Adam, asleep in the miracle play)
Seth (Shining Star, Sirius) learnt medicine,
Seth, Ishtar, Isis, The Star,
ex nocturno seminis fluxu
from the sleeping Star Adam
Seth learnt medicine, ate the lettuce covered in semen,
ate Ishtar who killed Tammuz;
Isis who gathered up Osiris:
The Star Seth and The Star Adam
the fiery image of myself dissolved in her
Sirius, The sun behind the sun
the sense of rhythm is the distribution of: recuperated in this
bath of alergens the wind tunnel
leaves at my doorstep
ex nocturno seminis fluxu
dust of the earth wailing
Adam taught me asthma
body’s wail for the far removed
Argentum Astrum, the far removed
disappearance of distinction. But, How far is far, if you can think it?
I think of her when I’m about to die.