Saturday, October 18, 2014



Don’t believe words. Not suggestions nor the
body proffered you. But listen, serve them in
their sudden turns, away from what you know
a distance opens between you and your loved
one before the vanity table in the 18th century 
of looking words are not & suddenly sick at 
the touch of you– always something else.

The predictable circumlocute: that is a fake rhythm
direction given by the word held back. When this 
is true it doesn’t matter what you say to say.
The snake is a hoop & the lion jumps through.

I couldn’t have made it up. The ink is ground 
obsidian. Black Aztec mirror though I use it
like any slav-face cardshuffler born in nyc– 
I see you walk through the shrub to a Yazidi temple 
on the high plateau (it’s all the same there’s an 
image of a snake by the door) and the door
constricts behind you– I mean you pass the 
apparent and enter pass the temple to the
great indoors light a fire you get the unknown 
there on a stake  light a fire around your spine
and see what shadows come direct.

A pneumatic tube you climb on board the dusty
wooden car where does it go does it go echoes
have they been expanding the lines from under
Broadway all these years finally make it to
Harlem and beyond– but the tube is done– ripped
up by the subway– the air-trains take a
different route (non locus/omni loci: what do
we have but perspective; what are you anyway)
they’ve expanded the route nomadic as day
the trains route direct in the shadow of the flame
depart from those white & blue rocks blazing in your
head the corner of your eye teases you with upending
anything you see is the suggestion of this other side.

Everything you see is the shadow of the unseen,
the words are their own masters and guide
you through this logic. The Poet might have said
(this feels familiar the same things come out the
shuttle returns). One abducts god with such
reasoning. Virgil knew the form, knew the trivium
before the trivial. That the song moves through 
the arm and makes men. That a man is what 
washes up and begs her to explain him.

We make so little of being underground
pneumatic color comes to her cheek
that she of her in whom the story is
so many shipwrecks those poor windswept
cry out to her absconditus clambering over
each other as the waves come in, the way
they do, no matter how far from land.

You climb the steps to so-called here
the map of your dream city elaborate
as necessary your arm itches & you stiffen in
the cool night air St. John of Patmos rigid
in the work,
                   a fire materialized down from the
sky. You strike the so-called men at the moment
of their creation & a world staggers toward you.

And who is You I awoke in this cavern
so I must have a word, a burden, what's
around me only a you can relieve. Let me be direct 
speak the bones and broken pots & the kelson
red dragon stretching back into the earth
cars let them be birds in their far off
sirenage (for I have been dead a thousand years)
let them creep in with the speckled light. Open
mouth let there be speckled light the
word you come for is complex beyond itself is 
not the world but acute imagination. I, Antero Vipunen
maw of the earth shaman barrow shadow repository
let this old word-horder tell you his tales
(& swallow you, both listens and speaks,
double-edged) let me be what your eyes say.
Come into me & take my words my goats my
barren cows take my breath away 
all things have their use I want you to make
this is what make means not all things but their use.

You can’t trust words they’re heaven on earth
they’re the other here you follow them to the
structure (the empyrean I mean) a 
man sitting on your stoop writing in the dark
it can only be spells or love letters (blackmail
with a chance of either) what does he know about 
the structure you go up to him, touch him, lightly, 
shoulder, here for me?, or throw that stone
the nerve, what are you trying to say 
he’ll think, and it’s an eerie feeling he gets 
maybe years later, of another world skirted by.

 “Antero Vipunen: a shaman whose barrow grave Väinämönen visits to top up his repertoire of magic […] Vipunen has become part of the landscape.” –Note for 17:13, Kalevala

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