Tuesday, August 25, 2015


The days go by, he sd. Meant they meant
nothing, remember nothing, but being:
the sun veers out from behind the calendar 
totals all the pleasant Western past

we try so hard to stay moneyed with.
Didn’t you notice you know what I mean
deep down in there, past stories
past beginnings? That’s a trust fund talking

floated over the ancient lake now forest
because these violins are bending the tape. Oh make 
my deepest wish come true, I cried. 
But they had gone their way. End Mozart Quintet K.174

You have to believe everything is the
hell of it. Not what they tell you but 
the sunburn on your arm, your mother waving goodbye
the stones that say take me.

Isn’t that what they keep you from? I don’t know 
I fell asleep. Slept my way through you I mean.
Hulikos the Greeks called it, earthly fold we are

that wide body in which I keep Pure Mind.
You meant me all along. Is that why
the gremlins tied my shoes together, to remind me
what’s in here is what’s inside out there

I’m trying my best to understand what I say
the child I left screaming by the fountain
not a single word, but understood quietness,

I put my ear to the stone and guess what she would say.

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