Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Maze of the Horizon

There’s a long line and they wait to send something to get what they need

a long line of words the horizon shuffling about at the doctor’s door

who watches all long lines from anywhere until they supply their cure

turning on themselves note the sense call back an order it must have known

the girls push their wheel barrows when do we ever get to know

under the shadow of the margin trace the furrows back to sin and then light

the long teleology of lives rays from the line of lines that washes itself

Dido is Hannibal my father had wet hands elephants on the alps

it’s hard to see much when you’re busy doing

order of the spell we’re in can’t see how we’re spelled

waiting to learn the present tense the humble means of chaos

when you kiss me like Mary with your Aramaic lips O hosanna

here’s a long bold line that toils and flowers from the center

I can hear the horse in the chair the snipe sing in solid plaster

put your foot through the wall and feel its wet unmade continuo

of course the margin starts anywhere moveable evil idem-itas identity sameness

the trick is to think back and back and suddenly the maze is over

fish falling from the light and no other god around my dear

just a panther circling in the dark we are ever closing in on rest

fervid center of bone closer becomes thick green its vapors  I near in delusions

Kant you rat I neared the line came in the thick with delusions and I let go the rope

who will post bond for one no man can imprison sd Tyana go your way

they replied  you cannot be ruled by me he dealt from the heart cld juke like Spinoza

but that was much later they ring the gong and maybe it’s later again

they ring the gong maybe it’s now he’s coming the scribe starts a fresh line

the bronze waves of gongs roll back and make to shatter the margin

as if the margin had never been o read from the silence my friend

we’ll know what to do looking back we’ll ride the beast that is itself the end

start there and see that means ride in the sun somber music springing in your wake.

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