Sunday, November 23, 2014

A Goose 

In grey cold the clear
I mean sharp existence
of things
hard silent lawns
it is my blood moves:
the click of bats, beat
        night’s hearts
leap through the blood
in my cold exterior
outside on the kitchen stool.

The last duck drifts across
the still lake, she clears her throat
between banks of cattails, skimming them
sonars the passage of her life
in the night of all her looking.

Before her skeptical eyes
Diana’s mice can gnaw my horse
back to a bottle of hay

she learns the edges now
for when the body flies south
& it’s the blood that takes account
a fire noisy with listening.


To be a fallen chandelier unreflexive on
a milky november day is to be the inverse
of Neptune gone direct in me same milky day
the phantoms rise & lurch through the blood
keeping one eye on the fire like Joel
a locust plague sparks & floods, flutes
from the wood our oldest kind of prophecy
you make a world & voice the place of it
black locust and even the impudent flames
must follow your meter

all those sweaty trojans zipped into the horse
start to teach her the lake and gone with the mist.
Are boys at the tie-up fishing god knows why.
To be numbered among those I never saw, I will miss them
today for you, the great art of not looking stand
facing the fire and talk about what’s behind you
that is the fire also look and there is nothing
he says, or he means. Don’t look and it’s everywhere:
that’s just a special kind of looking. And then what is she?
is no longer a question.

Sequana, in France you catch her
in April and wish yourself a good life.
Here the geese (I wrote guess) fly over
the mountains, you have to understand
I live in a big house, I’ve started yelling
and a couple letters come together
form a little intimacy, a handful of black birds
tossed loosely across the horizon.

Guess which one’s yours.

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